Friday, January 23, 2015

For God's Sake America, Wake Up Already....

The Fundamental Transformation is almost complete.
We were warned by the Muslim/Communist plant in the White House, Benghazi Barry, back in 2008 that he would "Fundamentally Transform" America. I don't know about you but, back then when he said those words, it caused a major knot in my stomach to a point where I felt it was time to become engaged in order to fight off the evil that I knew in my heart of hearts was coming.
So here we are, six years later, dealing with extreme Liberalism which in my mind is nothing more than a sophisticated LACK of common sense and integrity. Progressiveism, destroying the very fabric of our nations' founding under the guise of progress and, political correctness, a destructive means to the end of the America that we all have known and loved.
The current government lies to the American people on a daily basis, using their propaganda arm known as the main stream media. From dreamed up ,fake un-employment rates to a disaster known as the American economy, to our southern border being sealed, to allowing Ebola infected people to enter the US, to arming Muslim extremists to supposedly fight against other Muslim extremists when we all know that the ultimate goal in their minds is to kill America and Israel, to turning America into a third world country. But that is okay in their minds as long as they can hold onto absolute power.
Our children are being indoctrinated and de-moralized at an alarming rate, our Founding is not being properly taught in schools any more, Christianity has become a dirty word in the social circles and the schools. Everything that once made America great has either been destroyed or banned.
For those of us who felt that knot in the pit of our stomach back in 2008, it is our time to stand and fight in the name of Jesus Christ and all that is good. We have been called to be the chosen generation to protect America from the evil that is consuming us from with in. Will you stand and fight for our beloved country? Or just bury your head back into the sand and wait for your government hand out? God given Freedom comes from your heart, not your government.
As always fellow Patriots, stay safe and be aware of your surroundings.

By Tim Powers (Facebook post)

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