Wednesday, February 10, 2016

GOP Still Doesn't Get It

I recently received this press release in an email:

When is the GOP going to understand that the Democrats aren't interested in bipartisanship? The Democrats are in it to win at any cost, and the GOP had better do likewise if we're going to have a country left. 

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Troublesome News

The media is going on about Ted Cruz committing fraud at the Iowa Caucus, but this bit of news is more troublesome. I haven't heard the media breathe a word of it. 

It's funny that Donald Trump went down 11-13% and Marco Rubio went up the same amount in ONE DAY! Rubio never polled more than 12 percent yet he gets 23 percent out of no where? A Microsoft app was used to tally the vote. Microsoft is Rubio's #2 donor. 

Obama's Mosque Visit

Islamic Society of Baltimore, where Obama had his #MosqueVisit, 
was founded by an Al Qaeda-linked terrorist Imam.